June Sew Day
What is a Sew Day? It's like a mini retreat. Members bring their projects: machines or handwork are welcome. You can bring your hand embroidery, crochet or knitting projects too. We don't mind as long as you are making something with thread, floss or yarn! It's always fun to get together with friends and work on projects. What is more wonderful than a room full of humming sewing machines?
A few ideas for things to work on:
- Work on your SFMQG BQE Mini.
- Charlotte will be demoing finishing techniques - blocking, binding, hanging, labels. Starting at 11am.
- Work on your improv quilt along project QAL.
- Work on your Block of the Month blocks.
- Contribute to our community service project.
- Bring your unfinished projects or UFOs to get some encouragement to finish.
- Bring some orphan blocks or fabric to donate to our community service work.
When and Where
- We will be sewing from 10am to 3pm at Patch Reef Park (map).
- Come and go as you please.
- Bring your lunch and some snacks to share.
- Bring a power cord if you plan to bring your sewing machine.
- Free for members!
- Optional: If you would like to donate a few $$$, it will be put towards the costs of our community service and education projects.
- Guests: $5. A great way to get to know some local quilters.