Member Participation
A modern quilt guild is as strong as its members. Member participation is the number one factor in ensuring the success of a guild! The more fun that members put in, the more fun they get out!
It is possible (and desirable) for every member of SFMQG to participate in the organization of guild activities. Whether you have a little time to offer, or a lot, there is something you can do!
Here you will find a list of areas that we have identified that currently need some TLC, but it’s only a list of suggestions. If you have an idea for something that would make the guild more enjoyable for yourself and others, please get in touch!
Please fill in the form to get involved!
Member Services
Block of the Month lottery
Community Service
Ideas for Participation
Also see the list at the bottom of the page of members who are currently working on shaping our guild.
- Publicity - promote the guild by adding us to events listings, distributing information to local businesses and events, etc.
- Guild banner project - coordinator to work on making a banner with our logo.
- Blog writers: articles recapping our workshops and events; about modern quilting; etc
- Blog editor : edit, approve and post articles by writers
- Events photographers
- Grants : research and apply for arts grants available to us
- Fundraising : ideas for raising money for workshops, events
- Retreat : research and organize a retreat
- Special Topic presentations : talk about your favorite designer, modern quilting design, special techniques, etc
- Member led workshops: do you have skills or techniques you can teach?
- Sponsorship Coordinator: contact local and national businesses for donations of items we can use.
- Social Media - post interesting modern information to FB, IG, etc
- Members’ Mixers - organize non-sewing get-togethers
- All Florida Swap: organize a swap between all Florida based MQGs: tbc
Members Currently Working on Shaping Our Guild
- Challenges: (2017 Shelly Recicar)
- Exhibits: (2017: Charlotte Noll)
- Skill of the month: (2017: Deborah Krajkowski)
- Quilt Along: (2017: Deborah Krajkowski)
- Participation AC: (2017: Kate Yates)
- Quilting Events Page editor : Nicole Kaplan
- Ideas Collector: Linda Gordon
- Guest Greeter : Dee Neal Ferguson
- Member Mentors: Isabella Elias, Andrea Etkie
- Meetings snacks organization: Brenda Sirmans
- Raffles: Alyson Christianson
- Meetings Photographer : Sheila Gordon
- Historian Council: : Allison Schnackenberg (Chair), Andrea Etkie (Member profiles)
- Block of the Month: Shelly Recicar, Beth Schnell (2017: Ivy Bagnall, Allison Schnackenberg)
- Membership Services: Kate Yates (2017: Charlotte Noll, Allison Schnackenberg)
- Community Service projects: Susan Capone, Wanda Goldfarb
- Broward Quilt Expo board members: Charlotte Noll, Allison Schnackenberg
- Social Media: Facebook Group: Ivy Bagnall
- Social Media: Instagram: Charlotte Noll, Allison Schnackenberg
- Social Media: Twitter: Allison Schnackenberg
- Social Media: Meetup: Allison Schnackenberg