Executive Council
Our Executive Council is made up of elected volunteers who keep the wheels of our guild speeding down the quilting highway. Elections are held each November, and the new EC takes office each January 1st. If you have any questions, please get in touch by using our Contact page.
President: AJ
City: Hollywood
1. How long have you been quilting? 9 years
2. What kind of quilts do you most enjoy making? Improvisational
3. How did you find out about SFMQG? I was an individual member of MQG for a few years. But I wanted an in-person meeting, to meet new people and make friends. So when SFMQG became a chapter of MQG, I transferred in.
4. Where are you originally from? Manhattan
5. What is one thing we’d be surprised to learn about you? I was the USA Jr. Backgammon Champ.
Connect with AJ on Instagram and online.
VP of Education: Nicole
City: Boca Raton
1. How long have you been quilting? I started quilting during a long, cold winter break in college. I had a sewing machine and plenty of free time. I picked up an Eleanor Burns "Quilt in a Day" book, dropped by a local fabric store, and I was hooked.
2. What kind of quilts do you most enjoy making? Whimsical, brightly-colored quilts featuring fun fabrics or patterns. I've also developed a knack for paper piecing and have started drafting my own patterns.
3. How did you find out about SFMQG? I founded it! I was a member of the New York City version of the Modern Quilt Guild for years. When I moved down to Florida in 2011, I hoped to find some local quilters who were interested in the modern quilting movement. I'm so proud and amazed that this group of talented ladies has grown into a fully-fledged and vibrant guild.
4. Where are you originally from? Westchester, New York
5. What is one thing we’d be surprised to learn about you? Can recite all 50 states in alphabetical order.
Connect with Nicole on Instagram
VP of Events: Isabella
City: Miami
1. How long have you been quilting? 10 years
2. What kind of quilts do you most enjoy making? I like to make any quilt, any size...maybe not too much the minis.
3. How did you find out about SFMQG? I am the only one among my friends that quilts. I had found a quilt retreat in Iowa (where I still go every year), but I needed to find other people that share my same passion for quilting. So I went on line and found the SFMQG.
4. Where are you originally from? I am originally from Milan, Italy. I moved to Miami 21 years ago.
5. What is one thing we’d be surprised to learn about you? I am a SCUBA diving Dive Master. I actually met my husband on scuba diving trip.
VP of Projects: Brenda
City: Delray Beach
1. How long have you been quilting? 10 years
2. What kind of quilts do you most enjoy making? Ones that feature books or libraries, or quilts that serve as a memoir of a person's life.
3. How did you find out about SFMQG? Shopping at Stitchcraft
4. Where are you originally from? New Jersey
5. What is one thing we’d be surprised to learn about you? We helped over 30 foster kids when we lived in New Hampshire while our kids were still at home.
Treasurer: Chris
City: Boca Raton
1. How long have you been quilting? 3 1/2 years
2. What kind of quilts do you most enjoy making? So far, paper piecing.
3. How did you find out about SFMQG? Swig [fellow member Sue Wiggins], when she worked at Stitchcraft
4. Where are you originally from? Iowa
5. What is one thing we’d be surprised to learn about you? I used to train Standardbred Race Horses.
Secretary: Kristin
City: Coconut Creek
1. How long have you been quilting? 1.5 years
2. What kind of quilts do you most enjoy making? Improv, baby.
3. How did you find out about SFMQG? The Recreator
4. Where are you originally from? Miami
5. What is one thing we’d be surprised to learn about you? I founded the Guild for Art and Literature (GAL) of Coconut Creek in 2019.
Connect with Kristin on Instagram or online.
Susan - President
I learned to sew my Barbie new clothes by hand when I was 8. That led to years of making my own clothes on a Singer Touch & Sew sewing machine. In 1985 I married my college sweetheart & thus home décor became my passion. I started a small window treatment business, “Window Décor by Susan”. From there in 1987 I discovered quilting, making many Quilt in A Day log cabin baby quilts while awaiting the birth of our first child. I was hooked on quilting & in 2002 I opened a small quilt shop, The Village Quilter in Mt. Holly NJ. I enjoyed a fabulous 13 years growing the business & learning so much about the art of quilting. In March of 2016 I sold the business & now reside in Miami Beach with my husband & 2 dogs Mia & Bella.
I am so honored to be part of SFMQG – such a vibrant & talented group of women!
Andrea - VP of Education
Andrea starting quilting ten years ago when she went away to college and visited a family friend who's house was covered in quilts. She is drawn to modern geometric prints and prefers improv style piecing and free motion quilting. Andrea enjoys learning new techniques and gleaning tips from more experienced quilters. Within SFMQG, Andrea participates on the Historian Council and is a Mentor for new members in the guild. She's been married to her high school sweetheart for six years, has three adorable sons.
Isabella - VP of Projects
I was born and raised in Italy where I started "playing" with needles and threads at a very young age. Since quilting is not a tradition in Italy, it was embroidering and knitting under the supervision of my very talented grandmother. I moved to Miami Beach 20 years ago and started quilting 10 years ago. I consider myself a "OK" quilter as there is still so much I have to learn. Joining SFMQG helped me a lot in my learning process both with classes and talking to other more experienced quilters.
Chris - Treasurer
Chris got her start sewing at a very young age, learning from her mother. Along with her sisters, she made many of her own clothes. Chris joined 4-H at the age of 10 and began entering her projects in the county fairs and even advanced to the Iowa State Fair a couple of times. While spending time with her Grandmother, she began to learn to make quilts and made a small doll quilt for her little sister. Her Grandmother would later incorporate that doll quilt into a much larger quilt. After high school, life took over and sewing was put on the back burner until a few years ago. With more time, Chris took a few classes and watched a lot of tutorials to bush up on her skills. Still figuring out what kind of a quilter she is, she became a member of this guild a year ago, and has learned so much from all the talented women in this group. She thanks you all for that and enjoys belonging to such a great group
Kate - VP of Events
Kate started quilting just 4 years ago. She comes from a family of quilters and sewists, and was inspired at a young age by her grandmother's quilts (and teeny, tiny stitches!). Kate is drawn to more modern designs, and loves improvisational designs and quilting. Her favorite part of quilting is design and working with her hands - she loves handwork, including hand-quilting and needle-turn applique. She found SFMQG just a couple of months after she started quilting, and has enjoyed being involved with this group, and getting to know so many like-minded quilters. When she isn't quilting, Kate is either teaching, coaching, or working on DIY projects around the house.
Derietra (Dee) - Secretary
Dee’s first experience with sewing occurred in her high school home economics class. The sewing project was an apron with ruffles and once completed, the apron was placed in a drawer, never to be worn.
As an adult, Dee made numerous trips to the Pennsylvania Dutch Country, and recalls admiring Amish quilts. In particular she was drawn to the intricate patterns of traditional quilting and wondered how these beautiful quilts were constructed. in 2001, Dee inherited a Sunbonnet Sue quilt that her great-grandmother had made, estimated to be over 75 years old. The quilt applique was badly frayed. With help from her sister-in-law, the quilt was repaired
Dee joined the SFMQG after learning about the guild from 2 members whom she met at the 1st Mancuso Quilt Show held in Orlando. Dee credits the guild with her growth as a quilter. She looks forward to serving as the SFMQG Secretary.
President: Beth
My mother taught me how to sew when I was 6. My first passion was garment construction and when my daughter was born I loved making her clothes. Sewing was always something my mother and I had in common and when she became a grandmother she started quilting and I followed suit. I became a stay at home mom when my daughter was 3 and that’s when I made the first of many quilts. My quilts always looked different than my mothers. They were brighter, had more white in them and I didn’t I like boarders on my quilts. It wasn’t until 2013 when my mother and I went to quilt week in Paducah that I realized the type of quilting I was drawn to was Modern. I found the Modern Quilt Guild and was hooked. I joined MQG and attended my first QuiltCon in 2015 and I just cant get enough. I am so happy I found SFMQG it is worth the hour drive to be a part of this wonderful group of talented modern quilters. I’m looking forward to the year ahead.
Treasurer: Marianna
Marianna started sewing in the seventh grade. She started quilting 25 years ago when she joined a small group in the Michigan farming community of Pigeon. She took a 10-year hiatus when she worked as a costumer for several community theaters. She moved to Florida in August of 2015 and joined the Southern Florida Modern Quilt Guild that fall. She looks forward to getting to know more of the members of our guild.
Vice President of Projects: Linda
Linda is serving as VP of Projects in 2017 and has been with the South Florida Modern Quilt Guild since the Stitchcraft days.
Linda started hand sewing with her mother's scraps as a little girl and moved on to making all her clothes in high school. Later raising twin boys whose wardrobes were limited to jeans and tee shirts there wasn't much inspiration to sew for the kids. An interest in quilting started in 1974 with a pattern for a quilted pillow in a women's magazine. That interest flared into a passion that has lasted a lifetime. A career in computer drafting in civil engineering and land surveying played right into the basics of quilting design. Linda has done years of traditional quilting but in the last few years has been drawn to the modern quilt movement. She loves the freedom that modern quilting encourages. Lately that passion has carried over into modern straight line quilting. Like others Linda is so happy to have found "her people" that all speak the same language.
Secretary: Claire
Claire’s love and ability to quilt was instilled at young age, by her mother. She enjoys making all different style quilts and relishes the entire quilt making process, from piecing to quilting to binding (yes, even binding). Claire also enjoys knitting, embroidery, reading, running, and lifting weights. Claire relocated from Indianapolis to the Palm Beach Gardens area with her husband in 2013 and is happy to have found a wonderful group of quilters in the SFMQG!
Vice President of Events: Andrea
Andrea starting quilting ten years ago when she went away to college and visited a family friend who's house was covered in quilts. She is drawn to modern geometric prints and prefers improv style piecing and free motion quilting. Andrea enjoys learning new techniques and gleaning tips from more experienced quilters. Within SFMQG, Andrea participates on the Historian Council and is a Mentor for new members in the guild. She's been married to her highschool sweetheart for six years, has one adorable son and two more on the way!