Improv Quilt Along : Month Five

Welcome to Month Five! We're tickled you're going on this journey with us!

You should have received a shoebox filled with fabric from another participant along with SIX improv blocks. (Remember last month you made two super blocks!)

Month Five – Won't You Take me to….. Triangle Town. . . .

This month we are elevating the Triangle to a special status. It's the basis of many quilt patterns and perfectly pointed triangles are every quilter's desire. However, you're going to learn how to make improv triangles!

  1. Using the fabric in your box as well some of your signature fabric, you're going to cut several 60 degree triangles. **NOTE** the 60 degree notation is only for reference to delineate them from right angle triangles. You will cut these improv triangles with scissors ONLY. Note – I used some of the strip scraps from prior blocks. Start off cutting around 12 to 16 triangles in various sizes. You will then sew "wings" to each triangle and press these triangles. After you have these triangles pressed, you can put them together in rows, then sew those rows together to make a 12.5 -15 inch block.  If your triangles are small you can add strips of fabric around the edge to make your square the required size.
  2. Press and square up your block. Put the block on top of the completed blocks and don't forget to write your name on the provided sheet on top.

P.S. Here's a cool little tutorial for making improv curved flying geese triangles. (bonus – there's paper piecing for you paper piecer-types)

~ Patti Auten, VP of Projects