August BOM

August Block of the Month

Although it’s only August, even in South Florida, if you look closely, you can tell that fall is on the way. The shadows are changing as the sun approaches the autumnal equinox and before we know it, the holidays will be on us.

This month’s block will start us on the way to the holidays. It’s fun and fast. Make a couple and increase your chances to have a spooky quilt ready for Halloween. The drawing at the September meeting probably has Tonya’s name all over it!

The tutorial for this block is found here.  It’s perfectly written and easy to follow so no need for me to bore you. Follow her color choices as well: black, white, orange, purple or lime.

This is an improve block so please yourselves! Small eyes, large eyes, more than one pair on a block. Whatever suits you - just get it to 12 1/2”.

Improv stresses me - tried as hard as I could to make my two eyes different with a squint and off center. Still came out pretty similar. And yet they’re still pretty spooky. Have fun!

Submitted by Linda