2024 Block of the Month Game-October - Scenic Route
Welcome back to BOM!
We couldn’t finish the year, in proud Modern Quilters, without trying a block with curves, right?
So here we go. An easy curvy block, with curves as smooth as a peaceful scenic route!
And this block is in fact an inspiration from a block with such a name (“Scenic Route”) found as a free pattern on “Slice of Pi Quilts”. Note: no need to download the pattern, we will make this BOM our own.
Preparing Fabric:
Let’s make our block a little different than what is found in the “Slice of Pi Quilts “pattern available online. We will make the blocks smaller and assemble 4 together to prepare the BOM.
As such, we will start with four 7”x7” squares. You may choose any fabric that you like, if, in your opinion, “they go well together”!
Stack two squares, right side up. Starting at about 2.5” from the bottom left of the fabric, make a freehand curvy cut towards the top of the fabric. Starting at about 2.5” from the bottom right of the fabric, vertically cut a gentle curve, parallel to the previous cut. Spread the pieces and swap the outer pieces with the single inner piece so that you have two squares, each composed of both fabrics.
Repeat the same procedure with the other two 7”x7” squares.
It’s time to sew curves! I am sure by now you have adopted a technique to do so. The tutorial online contains beautiful pictures showing an interesting -read quick and easy- way to proceed, starting with pressing the fabric ¼” on each side of the center piece.
Finally, assemble the four blocks together. Make sure the two sister squares are placed on opposite ends of the block, with the same orientation (vertically or horizontally). The other two sister squares should also be in the same orientation, but opposite to the first two.
The block should be a little larger than 11”x11”. I recommend leaving the block as is so the winner of the BOM can decide the final size at the time of the quilt top assembly.
You are now ready to mail me one block in one envelope with one stamp☺ and I will enter your name for the draw of all the block received! Thanks for playing the game!
South Florida Modern Quilt Guild