Mystery Quilt Along (QAL) Clue #5

March BOMs - Click to see March Meeting Recap

March BOMs - Click to see March Meeting Recap

August 2018  - Fifth month Sky- Moon – Stars

Sarah grabbed her purse and tucked the quilt under her arm. She went out the side door of the kitchen, closing it carefully. She still heard the faint jingle of the bells that hung on the doorknob as she exited. She walked to the front of the house and took one last look. This house was empty and her grandmother was gone. But she still had the quilt – a connection to her grandmother that she would keep forever.

Sarah turned and hurried down the sidewalk toward the bus stop. The sky was overcast and looking dark and the wind had picked up, whipping the hem of her skirt behind her. She hadn't realized how long she had stayed in the house, and now she rushed as the headlight of the bus came toward her, stopping at the bus shelter several feet away. Luckily there were several passengers boarding as she got into line and then climbed the steps onto the bus. She moved toward the back, away from the older passengers sitting close to the driver. She found a seat halfway back, clutching the quilt close to her as the bus drove away.

Twenty minutes later, Sarah exited the bus at the terminal close by her apartment building. The lights outside the building created a warm glow in the night as she walked toward it. She took one last glance into the night sky as she turned her key into the heavy outside door….

Clue #5 – night sky – create a row showing the night sky that Sarah saw as she journeyed home. You can add stars, the moon, the dark sky, the lights at her apartment, or even the lights from the bus as it ventured toward her.

How about some inspiration?

Here's a modern star block available for FREE from Craftsy…

This artist has several images with evening/ moon/star combos:

(here's her page:

Scroll down on this blog and see an amazing planetary inspiration:

Here's more inspiration to create a one-of-a-kind night sky:

Want a more traditional "moon over the mountains" block?

How about some indigo moons?

Scroll down to see an amazing blue night sky quilt:

Are there fireflies/ lightning bugs in your sky? Check out this inspiration!

These links are just some inspiration for you to create your one of a kind night sky!

Submitted by Patti Auten