1 PM - 3 PM
Patch Reef Community Center
2000 W. Yamato Road, Boca Raton
We are so excited for our first meeting at our new venue, Patch Reef Community Center. The doors open at 12:30 for a little time to sign in, turn in your BOM and QAL, and socialize. The meeting begins promptly at 1pm, and we will have a one hour Sewcial after the meeting for anybody who would like to work on the charity quilts or their own projects.
Please arrive in time to sign in, turn in your BOM blocks, community service blocks etc BEFORE the meeting starts. Each activity will have a table. Also there will be snacks available - please do bring some snacks to share!
It's National Quilting Day on Saturday so we will have some cake to celebrate after the meeting!
Ice Breaker: Our quilty Icebreaker question this month is "What is your favorite quilt book?". Bring your favorite book to show and if you made a project from that book, bring it for the Show and Tell!
Embroidery project from the Red Thread Studios event
Red Thread Embroidery challenge
Have you been working on your embroidery project?
Bring your completed projects for a chance to win a free pattern.
You can read about the Red Thread Event on our blog.
We will also take pictures and post them to @redthreadstudioonline the Red Thread Studios Instagram, for a raffle by sponsored by them.
Quilt Along
We're kicking off our improv round robin QAL this month! Bring your box of fabric, and your completed block number one. Leave your signature fabric at home. You can show off your blocks and then it will be time to swap the boxes. Read about the QAL launch and first block.
March BOM
Block of the Month
Bring your completed QAYG blocks, we will have a table and a display space for the blocks. Also, bring jelly roll strips (2.5 inches x 18+ inches) in this month’s color palette, or black & white. We will have a raffle for the blocks and the jelly roll.
This month's presentation is Quilt as you Go techniques with various ways to attach pre-quilted blocks into a big quilt.
Special Topic: Quilt-As-You-go
We'll be showing the different methods of how to put your QAYG blocks together.
Community Service lap quilt sunset ridge blocks
Community Service
Please bring your completed blocks for our lap quilts project.
Sewtastic Basket
Please bring items to donate to the raffle basket. We would appreciate the following:
- Fat quarters or yardage - modern fabrics only please!
- Sewing notions.
- Gift cards.
- Quilting magazines or books - modern themes please!
- Bags of good sized scraps - modern fabrics only please!
We look forward to seeing everyone next Saturday!
~ Debby Schindall, Secretary