President Allison Schnackenberg kicked off the meeting with a welcome message to our members and guests. Thirty-seven members and seven guests were in attendance. There was a lot to cover in this meeting! Allison talked about name tags (we are starting a $1 tax if you don't wear one beginning in August), our new buttons for participating in activities, and the launch of our de-stash table.
The President’s icebreaker this month was ”How many projects are you working on right now?”. It seems like our members have a lot of WIPs.
Treasurer's Report
Abbie Bill gave us an update on guild finances and introduced the 50/50 raffle for July. As part of our fundraising efforts the guild will alternate the Sewtastic Basket and the 50/50 raffle monthly. Alyson Christianson gave us a sneak peak of the goodies in the Sewtastic Basket for this month's raffle.
VP of Projects Patti Auten demonstrated how make of block number five. The round four boxes were exchanged. Be sure to post your progress on Facebook, Instagram (#sfmqg) or on the blog.
Finished lap quilts for our nursing home project, and heart blocks for the #quiltsforpulse drive.
Community Service projects
Susan Capone and Wanda Goldfarb, who are organizing our Community Service activities had two new quilts to show us for our nursing home project. Our original goal was to complete 10 lap quilts, and we have already surpassed that goal! We will be continuing to finish lap quilts through to September.
Our guild, is also making quilts for the victims and families of the recent Orlando shootings. See the blog post Quilts for Pulse, for more information about the quilt drive being organized by the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild. We have organized two special Sew Days on the 23rd and 25th of June to work on our contributions. Our members have started making heart blocks (see all of the contributions in the picture gallery).
Special Topic: Studio Organization
Monica Peacock had a fun video of her studio, Patti Auten talked about how to organize your stuff without a dedicated space and Charlotte had a slide show of member's studio pictures.
Block of the Month
The June Block of the Month was the minimalist crayon box block. The winner of the drawing for the June blocks was Judy Shelton and she donated the blocks to our community service project for Orlando. The Jelly Roll was given to Susan Capone because she finished a BOM quilt in one month. Please remember to use modern fabrics when making your blocks and to add your name onto the back of the block.
MQG Challenge: Riley Blake Spring Challenge
The MQG sponsored a fabric challenge with Riley Blake "Sashing Stash" fabric and we had several members participate. There were eight quilts on display. (Kate's quilt was there in photographic spirit.) There was a special show and tell and the participants each got a special button.
President's Talk
Allison presented a refresher on what Activity Councils are and how to join and help the SFMQG by participating. She gave a summary of the jobs we are hoping to fill.
SFMQG Events
We are having an two Sew Days on Thursday June 23rd and Saturday June 25th from 10am to 4pm at Patch Reef Community Center. Please come to work on blocks and quilts for Orlando.
Negative Space Challenge: We are getting so excited for our members' challenge. We will have a special Show & Tell at our July meeting, and voting will take place. The first place prize is being sponsored by our favorite local quilt shop, Stitchcraft. Following the meeting there will be a special exhibit of all of the quilts at Fat Village Art Walk, hosted by IS Projects. There will be an opening reception for members and guests.
SFMQG has a few spaces left for the Block Printing on Fabric workshop at IS Projects, Saturday: July 9th and Sunday: July 10th. Please sign up for the day of your choice and check out the SFMQG Pinterest board for some block printing inspiration.
A new workshop and lecture for August was announced. The lecture and trunk show with Linda Hungerford will be on Friday, August 20th. This workshop is all about Domestic Machine Quilting, on Saturday August 21st.
Quilt News & Events
Quiltcon East 2017 will be held in Savannah, Georgia, Thursday February 23 to Sunday February 26th. Quiltcon is the annual gathering of modern quilters, organized by the national Modern Quilt Guild. Read our blog post to learn all about Quiltcon. Quiltcon registraton will begin on June 25th. Allison gave us all a few pointers on the registration process.
The Broward Quilt Expo (BQE) will be March 9-10, 2017. This year SFMQG is becoming a sponsoring guild, and we are adding a new category to the quilt show: Modern Design. We are very excited that Sherri Lynn Wood will be delivering the keynote lecture and teaching three workshops. Save the date and we will have lots more information coming up about BQE Exhibits, workshops and SFMQG participation.
Show and Tell
This month's show and tell included finished quilts for our community service project, the MQG Riley Blake Spring 2016 Challenge quilts and some great projects completed by our members.
Sewtastic Basket Raffle
Thanks to all of the members who participated in the Sewtastic Basket fundraiser, we raised over $100 this month! This winner was Pat Bidol-Padva.
~ Debby Schindall, Secretary