September's Block of the Month
This month's BOM was requested by our founder Nicole Kaplan. This easy two by four block whips up in no time. The pattern plays with lights and darks and prints and solids. The effect keeps the eye moving.
Our colorway this month is Flora Hues. and match one of the darker values with one of the lighter values to make this block and use one solid or reads as solid and one solid, or geometric print or print designed by a modern quilting fabric manufacturer.
The original tutorial is from the Film In The Fridge blog.
Shelly and I found that the directions allowed for excess fabric and extra cutting so she wrote a different tutorial.
Shelly's instructions follow:
- Choose one dark value fabric and one light value fabric from the chosen color palette. One of these fabrics should be solid or reads as solid fabric. The other can be solid, geometric or made by a modern fabric designer. It does not matter which fabric is dark and which is light.
- Cut 4 dark fabrics (3” x 4 3/4”)
- Cut 4 light fabrics (3” x 4 3/4”)
- You should have 8 pieces of fabric.
- Sew each dark fabric to one lighter fabric. Press seams toward the darker fabric. You should have four pieces of fabric.
- Sew two sections together alternating dark, light, dark light. Sew the other two pieces in the same manner. Press seams toward the dark side. You should have two pieces.
- With your two remaining pieces, one side starts, dark, light, etc. and the other side light, dark, etc. It does not matter if you start with dark or light. Sew the pieces together.
- Press the seams to one side and you will have a finished block.
Here are a few things to remember:
- Finished Block should measure 9 X 10.5 inches
- Choose one dark value and one light value fabric from the color palette
- Press seams to the dark side
- Use ¼ inch seam allowance
- Trim loose thread as you go
This BOM comes together so quickly you won't want to stop at one. Remember the more you make the better your chances are of winning them all.
Also don't forget to cut few 2.5 inch strips of fabric to bring along and put into our jelly roll raffle.
Thanks Nicole for the delightful suggestion.
Shelly Recicar & Beth Schnell - Block of the Month Activity Council