What a great looking group! Thanks Allison for the cool pic!
41 members signed in
1 New Member this month - Doris Ahern - 78 members total
1 Guest: 1 Guest: Kane More - Facebook showed her our page
Abbie won SewTastic Basket
Cindi won name tag raffle
Pam won BOM
Treasurers report
Kate and Isabella discussed their VP positions. Barbara Kline volunteered herself and Sheila Gordon for the Nominating committee - Thanks! Please think about volunteering for these essential positions - need new people with new ideas . See the current group here.
Allison S gave a BQE update. Workshops are open to BQE guild members only till Sept 1st at a discounted rate. Don't wait to signup - they are filling up fast.
Also don't wait to enter your quilts in the show beginning Sept 1st. The first 200 quilts entered are guaranteed to be exhibited. All entered quilts will be judged but there may not be room for more than 200. The vendor spaces are filling up also. It's going to be a great show!
Community Project Updates:
Community Service : Please bring in any quilt tops or parts of the French braid pattern. Bring in everything you wish to donate. Get them done by October or November.
Ryan’s Case for Smiles - Miami Chapter. Bring back in the finished cases washed and pressed in Ziploc bags. Join Susan at Miami Beach Regional Library for a fun evening making pillowcases on September 20th 3pm-7pm. Checkout Event Info for details.
Mystery QAL:
Show & Tell of Clue #4: Quilt Block
Patti read the clue for Mystery QAL month #5. Hint: Night Sky
Debby S showed the see thru zippy pouch for our September meeting swap. Make one to swap and one to donate for BQE sale. Come to Sew Day on Sept 1st to make them or see how it's done. See Lucky Project Bag Tutorial by May Chappell.
2019 Quiltcon charity Quilt:
Great small pieced blocks filled a whole table at the meeting - they look great! If you took some fabric last month and forgot them or didn't get a chance to make some you still have a little time to get them done and in the mail to Karla soon!
2019 QuiltCon Charity Small Pieces Blocks
Jen discussed her Hand Sashiko Workshop on October 6th. Register here. She will show you how to stitch this fun Boro mending also.l
Member SpotLIGHT:
Pam was our Member Spotlight and she really brightened up the room - “I Just LOVE it!”
Following up on AJ's Color Theory Presentation last month and the announcement of a QuiltCon Two Color Challenge, Andrea and Charlotte presented information and inspiration for the SFMQG Challenge due at November meeting. Just in time to enter into QuiltCon and/or BQE and maybe a special SFMQG exhibit will be in the works soon. A separate blog post with Andrea's presentation and signup will be available soon.
A QuiltCon and Michael Miller Fabric Challenge. 17 of the members signed up to get these fabric packages and Kate handed them out at the meeting. If you signed up and didn't get to attend the meeting contact Kate for yours. Make sure you bring your completed project for Show & Tell and/or post to Facebook members group.