At the SFMQG meeting on Saturday March 19th 2016 the special topic will be Quilt As You Go (QAYG).
Not everyone has a long/short arm quilting machine or likes to quilt a big quilt by maneuvering it under the bed of a regular home sewing machine. Or having that big quilt in your lap or frame to hand quilt.
A good technique to know is how to quilt blocks or smaller parts of a big quilt and then join these sections together to make a larger functional or decorative quilt.
Front of Quilt As You Go with four blocks joined.
Amazing my first quilt (@1980) was made this way for my waterbed using my first quilt book Lap Quilting by Georgia Bonesteel. I took the blocks everywhere and hand quilted them. No quilt stores or classes back then - just fabric stores.
Now when I decide to make a very large quilt I try to work out how I can section it off into manageable pieces to quilt on my home machine or by hand.
There are many new tutorials available that show various methods. The BOM this month is one of them. As the Special Topic for March I will show you how I decided to QAYG this block and demo one way to join four of these blocks together.
Back of Quilt As You Go with four blocks joined.
I will also show you a few other techniques that I have learned based on the type of quilting you do on the original block.
If you have ever done any QAYG quilts or quilted items please bring them in for Show & Tell.
See you Saturday!
Charlotte Noll - VP of Programs