SFMQG January 2018 Meeting Recap

January Meeting Members

Meeting Summary

The January, 2018 meeting was attended by 35 members.  Many of our members attended the Mancuso World Quilt Florida show in Orlando.  (Absent members were missed, but we look forward to hearing all about the show).  We had 1 guest, Maryann McEvoy, who attended with Brenda Zimmerman.

Congratulations to Anita Thompson who won the Name Tag Raffle.

Broward County Library Quilt Project:

Kate Yates updated the quilt guild on the Broward County Library Quilt Project.  The quilt is finished (see below) and will be given back to the library to hang


SFMQG 2017 Past President honored:

Beth Schnell was recognized for her committed service to the guild as the 2017 Past President.  Thank you Beth.  Enjoy all of your cats


New Community Service Project Announced:

We will be making lap size quilts using the French Braid design.  Instructions by Lindsay Conner can be found at or visit the instructions posted on the our blog.  Quilts will be donated to the Menorah House Nursing & Rehabilitation Center in Boca Raton, FL.

Upcoming Event:

Registration is open for the Katie Pederson lecture and workshop.

  • 3/2/18 - Lecture and Trunk Show
  • 3/3/18 - Double Trouble Class
  • 3/4/18 - Psychedelic Baby

Visit our event page for more information.  Tickets may be purchased in our online store

Mancuso World Quilt Florida: 

Here is a glimpse of the Mancuso World Quilt Florida-Stitching with Friends Exhibit.    Other Modern Quilt Guilds displays are here

Photos January 2018 Meeting

January Block of the Month (BOM)

Jan BOM Finished.png

The January Block of the Month will be turned in at the February meeting. Submit the winning block and you’ll have the makings of a quilt that celebrates St. Patrick’s Day and reminds you to Spring Ahead and turn your clocks forward to Daylight Savings. That’s because the block this month is an oversized arrow in greens.

Use any greens you please just make them contrast with each other and make’em modern! As
always, use a 1/4” seam and press as you go. The block finishes at 12 1/2” by 12 1/2”.

The easiest way to make this block is to follow the tutorial here http://www.okcmqg.com/2013/10/october-block-of-month.html   Use it! It’s much easier than what I’ve written.

To create the block, you’ll need two contrasting greens.

See dimensions below

See dimensions below

Cut the background fabric into:

Two rectangles 4” x 8”

Two squares 7” x 7”

Cut the arrow fabric into:

One rectangle 7” x 8”

One rectangle 6” x 13”

Sew the two background 4” x 8” pieces to either side of the 7” x 8” arrow rectangle.

To make the oversized flying geese block that will form the point of the arrow, place the 6” x 13” arrow piece long side up and down, face up. Put a square 7” x 7” piece on the corner of the fabric, lining up the top right corner and right side. Yes, there will be extra fabric on the left side. Draw a pencil line from the left arrow corner lying under your square, to the lower right corner of the square. Sew on the traced line, trim a 1/4” seam and press to the dark side.

Now, do that again for the other side of the arrow point.

Trim the arrow piece on the long side (away from the arrow point) about a 1/4” to get a straight edge.

Find the center of that piece - fold it in half and mark it with a pin. Do the same for the rectangle you made in the first step. Now match the centers and sew the two pieces together. If it looks wonky, that’s okay, it’s supposed to. You’re going to fix that now.

Use a 12 1/2” by 12 1/2” ruler and square up the block. Be sure to leave a quarter inch seam at the point of the arrow - don’t trim your point off! If you don’t have a ruler, use the lines on your cutting board and you’re good to go.

Green arrow trim 1.png
You're Finished with your 1st Block!

You're Finished with your 1st Block!

Katie Pedersen Lecture and Workshops

SFMQG is very excited to announce our two upcoming workshops and lecture with teacher Katie Pedersen!

Teacher Bio: Katie Pedersen is a Seattle modern quilting instructor and author of Quilting Modern. Katie enjoys teaching others her approach in merging improvisational quilting techniques with modern and traditional design in her West Seattle studio and nationally.

She believes that making something by hand sets each of us on a journey to discovering who we are as artists, and that this personal process can start with simply sewing two pieces of fabric together. She loves that quilts are utilitarian works of art that showcase the evolution of one's creative confidence and developing aesthetic.

Her greatest wish is that she could sew as fast as the ideas come.

We are very excited to host 3 events with Katie this March.

On Friday March 2, she will hold her lecture “Quilting Modern” from 6:30 - 8:30 pm.

On Saturday, March 3, we will have an all-day workshop for her “Double Trouble Class”

double trouble.jpg

Description: A modern quilt block that is really no trouble at all!

Double-Trouble is a fun quilt block and design workshop that merges a traditional half-square triangle block with an improvisational stitch and flip triangle technique. We’ll explore and inspire each other on the design walls with the unlimited controlled and chaotic quilt design potential this block has to offer.  One block = endless designs!

Katie will have multiple examples made with prints and solids to show for inspiration.

On Sunday, March 4, we will have the second workshop, “Psychedelic Baby.”

psychedelic baby.jpg

Description: Join author Katie Pedersen, Quilting Modern: Techniques and Projects for Improvisational Quilts, in refining your improvisational quilting skills in this modern quilt block workshop. By merging one construction method with multiple string piecing techniques we’ll simultaneously create large string blocks and mitered log cabin blocks that appear both chaotic and controlled.  Design one quilt or two with your blocks.

We’ll touch on fabric options, placement and the unlimited design potential to make a finished original quilt.  Katie will have multiple inspiring examples of how you and these quilt blocks can play together.

All level of sewists welcome.

Please check out the events page for more details. All tickets can be purchased in the store!