Happy summer! Here is a great recap of our Jupiter chapter's July meeting. Enjoy:
Joan opened the meeting to 20 attendees, several of whom were already sporting name badges (see photos).
News in the Modern quilt world included the first sewdown in Philadelphia Sept 6-8, and the Portland Meetup August 15-18 hosted by 9 modern guilds. Marta also gave us an update on the blog world. She’ll do something more specific for our September meeting. Several members brought books and articles to share with the group.
Patty R. provided our first member presentation. She
spoke extensively about her experiences designing fabric, from
preparing or selecting artwork, to translating these into images, to
actually creating fabric, wallpaper, decals, even gift wrap. She uses Spoonflower.com for the creation part and also has a blog there where she can sell to the public. Her experiences generated tremendous excitement and dozens of questions.
We continued our discussion of a “community” quilting activity. The Block Party group is limited to 12 members and is full. The Block Swap group still has room; anyone who didn’t attend the July meeting is welcome to bring the block as specified below.
· Block Swap: Four members will do the block swap with the theme of “Shapes”. Each person will make two (2) 16 ½” blocks a month – one to keep and one for the “Raffle”. The “Raffle” block will be given each month to one of the Swap members at random until all of the members have received a “Raffle”. Guidelines for the blocks for August: Make (2) 16 ½” blocks, cream-colored background, Any “Bright” color(s) you like as secondary color. The “Shape” to incorporate is “Squares” – any number of squares you would like.
· Block Party: Each month one member will specify a block(s) which she would like to receive from the other 11 members. Joan took the first
month, asking for 2 – 16 ½ “ blocks. The first block must be an “X” with a red background and a cream letter. The second block must be an “O” with a cream background and a red letter. Letters can be any size, any design and any quilter’s cotton fabric.
Most liked the idea of a local sewdown (the modern term for sew in) where members can get together and work on their individual sewing projects. Since more space might be needed to accommodate 20+ machines, etc. Joan will investigate possible use of the Jupiter Community Center. This also might be an opportunity to offer sewing guidance to members of the community expressing interest.
· Meeting August 17th, 1:30 pm Quilter’s Choice in Jupiter. Remember to bring a door prize (a pattern or other sewing item – could be repurposed) and work on those name tags.
· Nan to present Modern Applique in August and Marta to acquaint us with Pinterest in September.