Here are some great new shows and updates from our mailbag!
2. Coral Springs Quilt Guild: Cheryl Lynch guest speaker and workshop!
--Friday, February 28th, 2014 at 7:00pm at Cypress Hall at Cypress Hammond Park; 1300 Coral Springs Drive.
--Cheryl is know for her art quilts, pattern designing &has written a book called, "¡Quilt Fiesta!."
--The lecture will be on "South of the Border". Cheryl's interest in Mexican folk art, where it began and how she transformed Mexican folk art tiles into quilt designs.
1. Treasure Coast Quilt Guild: Quilt Beach!
--The Treasure Coast Modern Quilt Guild is hosting a big Modern Quilting show, called Quilt Beach!
--Saturday, February 22, 2014.
--Located at the First Presbyterian Church, 520 Royal Palm Boulevard, Vero Beach, FL.
--Luke Haynes and Victoria Findlay Wolfe will be speaking (by digital uplink) to the participants.
--There are optional workshops as well.
--Modern quilts from all over the state are being exhibited, there
are vendor tables and other MQGs from the state will be present.
--You can submit your quilt for exhibition!
-- Details are on the website:
2. Coral Springs Quilt Guild: Cheryl Lynch guest speaker and workshop!
--Friday, February 28th, 2014 at 7:00pm at Cypress Hall at Cypress Hammond Park; 1300 Coral Springs Drive.
--Cheryl is know for her art quilts, pattern designing &has written a book called, "¡Quilt Fiesta!."
--The lecture will be on "South of the Border". Cheryl's interest in Mexican folk art, where it began and how she transformed Mexican folk art tiles into quilt designs.
--The Workshop is now
open to non-Coral Springs Quilt guild members. The workshop will be on
"Surprising Designs from Mexican Tiles". Cheryl will be using her
book ¡Quilt Fiesta! as the base for this
workshop. You will create your own block that will create a secondary
design formed where the 4 block corners meet. No kit fee. Pattern
include in workshop.
--Workshop is on Saturday, March 1st, 2014 at Saint Mary Magdalene Church - Parish Hall; 1400 Riverside Drive; Coral Springs, FL
--Lecture fee: $5.00, Workshop fee: $45.00
3. West Pasco Quilters' Guild: Biennial Quilt Show
--March 14, 15 and 16, 2014 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
--Recreation and Aquatic Center of New Port Richey on Van Buren St.
between Massachusetts St. and Main Street.
--A live large quilt auction and a silent small
quilt auction, a wonderful boutique of hand made items, free lectures
and demonstrations, childrens' activities, lots and lots of vendors and
yes, quilts, quilts, quilts! Over 400 quilts! --Admission is $7 per day or $10 multi-day
4. Venice Area Quilters Guild: Quilting by the Gulf Show--March 8 and 9, 2014 (Saturday and Sunday).
--Venice Community Center, 326 S. Nokomis Avenue, Venice, Florida.
--For more information, check out:
--Venice Community Center, 326 S. Nokomis Avenue, Venice, Florida.
--For more information, check out: